Q&A: 5 Strategies and Business Benefits of SLOs

Your Questions, Answered [Q&A]

When we hosted the webinar 5 Strategies and Business Benefits of SLOs, we received over 20 questions from our attendees and several more from follow-ups. We invited Alex Hidalgo back to answer all your questions in this brand-new Nobl9 Exclusive.

Highlighted Questions

Watch to see reliability expert Alex Hidalgo answer these questions and more:

  • What would be your recommendations for a team transitioning from traditional perspectives of monitoring that are challenged in thinking about how this might apply in their domain? How can we ease their adoption when existing signals are built in place and have been there for years?
  • How do you explain SLAs in relation to SLOs?
  • Whose responsibility is it to define the SLO? What parameters should drive it?
  • What are your thoughts to aid in discussions when the bottom line to a company is a “system” being 100% available? Accepting the reality of reliability is hard to take when any downtime means lost revenue.
  • Do you recommend replacing monitoring based on rates & threshold with SLO/error budget monitors? If so, do you have any advice on how to convince the engineering team?
  • What techniques would you recommend to help folks pick the correct objectives? Where do you draw the service boundary?
  • What is a good strategy for approaching SLO implementation in an organization with many microservices and products?

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