Composite SLO
The Single Pane of Glass For Your Application
Not all systems impact your user journey the same, but you still want to see the sum total of your application's reliability. Enter Composite Service Level Objectives - SLOs built from other SLOs, weighted to represent their real-world impact on your users' experience.
Each Service Level Objective within your environment represents an individual metric on a piece of your application - be it infrastructure, synthetic, shared service, third-party service, or even business outcomes like purchases or signups. Nobl9's newly-updated Composite SLOs allow you to combine all of these disparate data sources and types - weighted based on their impact on your overall user experience - into a single, holistic SLO representing the actual reliability health of your application.
Optimize Reliability with Composite SLOs
See how Nobl9 helps unify service health metrics into a single, actionable view.
See how Nobl9 helps unify service health metrics into a single, actionable view.